We are a small international team based in Tallinn, Estonia, but we prefer to work remotely due to our love to travel. Together we are building the high-quality software that are becoming very popular among people all over the world. We believe in making the web a better place. Our motto is - « Follow your dreams and don’t give up ».


Arthur Gareginyan

Founder and CTO

Hello, My name is Arthur. Currently I live in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, but I'm originally from Baku, Azerbaijan. I'm a full stack software engineer who cares deeply about beautiful design and elegant code. My intention is to create projects that will make this world a better place.


Milena Kiseleva


Hello, My name is Milena. I live in Montenegro now, but I'm originally from Moscow, Russia. My intention is to create projects that is uplifting, vibrant and colourful. I am really passionate about my work, I like what I am doing and hope that you will be enriched by my projects too.


Bożena L.

UI/UX Designer


Isabella M.

Graphic Designer


Thomas T.

Software Engineer


Monique F.

Customer Support
(in English)


Ekaterina A.

Customer Support
(in Russian)

Recently, our three good friends joined us. Their names are Isabella, Bożena and Thomas. These are wonderful people, whom we have known for quite a while. Actually, they have already contributed to our projects before, but recently they expressed a desire to participate more in what we do in Space X-Chimp™. We were very pleased with this, as Space X-Chimp™ will become even better, as well as we will now communicate more with our friends. Our team also includes Monique and Ekaterina, who are engaged in customer support, they are our angels and people love them. Now there are seven people in our team, and we are all from different countries; Ukraine, Russia, Montenegro, Poland, Netherlands, France and Spain.

All of us at Space X-Chimp™ constantly work on improving our products and services. We roll out updates almost every few days, and develop other products to enhance your experience on the web. You’ll also see us contributing tutorials, news and opinion pieces from time to time on our Blog. We want to build products and services you will love using, so don’t hesitate to leave us your feedback.

Think you can do great things with us?

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. Send us a note and describe what you can do as part of the team.