Our developers have created 24 free and premium products for CMS WordPress: 21 plugins and 3 themes, and this number is growing. We have a small number of products, because our goal is not the quantity but the quality of our products. We try to create high-quality products and constantly improve it so that users and customers would be happy. The following are summary statistics data about our products for CMS WordPress.

We inspire people

Total active installs of all themes

We help to enhance

Total active installs of all plugins

We make updates

3 million
Total downloads of all plugins

Since our free programs are published in the official WordPress.org repository, they collect statistical data about downloads, active installs, etc. All these data they publish on their official website WordPress.org. You can verify the data on this page by comparing it with the data on the official website WordPress.org.

Premium products
WP Theme Author's Notepad Counting is in progress
WP Plugin My Custom Functions PRO Counting is in progress

Free products
WP Theme Anarcho Notepad over 3,000 active installs 123,499 downloads
WP Plugin My Custom Functions over 60,000 active installs 909,235 downloads
WP Plugin Head and Footer Scripts Inserter over 30,000 active installs 531,861 downloads
WP Plugin All Meta Tags over 20,000 active installs 415,259 downloads
WP Plugin Social Media Follow Buttons Bar over 20,000 active installs 613,133 downloads

Number of downloads and active installs

Total number of users
WP Themes over 3,000 active installs over 120,000 downloads
WP Plugins over 140,000 active installs over 3 million downloads

Product release date

WordPress Plugins
2014-09-02 My Custom Functions
2015-07-27 RSS Feed Icon for SpecificFeeds.com
2015-09-06 My Custom Styles
2015-10-30 All Meta Tags
2015-12-18 Social Media Follow Buttons Bar
2016-01-31 Head and Footer Scripts Inserter
2016-02-23 Best Preloader
2016-02-27 Simple Scroll to Top Button
2016-03-28 Syntax Highlighter for Theme/Plugin Editor
2016-08-19 My Syntax Highlighter
2016-09-15 My Custom Functions PRO
2016-11-07 My Custom Styles PRO
2016-12-18 RSS Feed Icon
2017-02-02 Syntax Highlighter for Post/Page HTML Editor
2018-05-16 My Syntax Highlighter PRO
2018-07-10 JavaScript Inserter
2018-08-11 Head and Footer Scripts Inserter PRO
2018-09-13 JavaScript Inserter PRO
2018-12-14 Social Media Follow Buttons Bar PRO
2019-06-30 Custom Code Manager
2019-07-11 Custom Code Manager PRO

WordPress Themes
2013-10-22 Anarcho Notepad
2017-01-05 Authors Notepad
2017-01-05 Simple Notepad

* This is the latest statistics for January 2021.

* For free themes and plugins used official statistics from the WordPress.org website.