Hello! My name is Arthur, I’m the founder of Space X-Chimp™, which unites a small international team of young people. Our intention is to create projects that will make this world a better place. Our motto is - «Follow your dreams and don’t give up». We are really passionate about our work, we like what we are doing and hope that you will be enriched by our projects too.

We spend a lot of time and effort trying to make sure that the themes, plugins and other things we build are useful, and the ultimate proof of that for us is that you actually want to use them. But we are an independent developers, without a regular income, so every little contribution helps to cover our costs and allows us to spend more time creating things for awesome people like you to enjoy. If you appreciate our work, you can buy us a cup of coffee!

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The biggest donation for us is Social Share! Please like and share our products and services, this will help us move forward: